Biography of Warren Buffett

"Either I will become a millionaire before
  35 years or else I will jump off a high
  Building"These are the words of 
  MR. WARREN EDWARD BUFFETT at a very young age.

How did Mr. Warren Buffett made this money๐Ÿ’ฐand how from 0 dollar to 1 million dollars did he make at the age of 32 yrs and from 1 million to 85 billion dollars have been made.

Mr. Warren Buffett was born on 30 August 1930 in America omaha. Warren Buffett's dad Mr. Howard Buffett was a stock broker and afterward he became a politician. And Mr. Warren Buffett's mother was a house wife.

In 1930, crises were rosed in America. Due to winding up of a bank Mr.Warren's parents lost all their savings where he was just 1 year old.

Mr. Warren Buffett had seen their parents living in a poor condition and the mother of Warren Buffett used to skip her food beacuse Mr.Howard used to work day and night tirelessly and could eat the food properly.Then Warren quoted a line that "I will become millionaire at the age of 35 or I will jump from high building of Omaha".

One day Warren was walking through the streets and he saw that the one man was taking a cold drink from cold drink machine Warren went  towards themthe and collected all the bottle caps. This was continued for a week and later noticed that COCA-COLA is one of the most popular cold drink and in future he took the shares of COCA-COLA.

In a library while reading a book Warren got a book which mentioned 1000 ways to make 1000$. After reading the book he got an idea of a PIN-BALL MACHINE. The idea was placing the PIN-BALL machine infront of a barbar's shop and from that he booked the profit. This business idea was for 1200$.

Warren Buffett youngGP: Buffett circa 1980 180209

In 1956, a 26 year old Warren has started a partnership firmifirm which there were total 7 people and all were his family members and within 6 years in 1962 he converted 105000$ into 7 million$. It means at the age of 32 he became a millionaire.

In market shares price are increasing and he can't buy cheap shares an and in few years Warren has closed his partnership firm. Mr.Warren was always scared of public speaking and told that " At that time if I walked into the stage, I would think that i will vomit in". Warren  saw an advertisement in newspaper of public speaking course and he joined the same.According to Mr. Warren Buffett he got  a jump in his  professional life and  said that he developed a confidence. And after some time he purchased a lot of shares of company " Berkshire Hathaway" 
This was a textile company and beacuse of the poor condition of the company Warren started selling all the useless asstes of company. He purchased a huge amount of shares because of which he got the control over the company and he became the chairman of the company and afterwards he started selling all the useless assets and still the highest percentage of his income is made through Berkshire Hathaway.

Warren Buffett's idea is very simple which is compounding and he followed the same strategy for his entire life .
" And Today The Net Worth Of  WARREN
   EDWARD BUFFETT Is 77 Billion Dollars".


Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett KU Visit.jpg


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